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Does the same beaten down hiring approach work when hiring millennials and Gen Z?

Updated: May 14, 2023

Does the same beaten down hiring approach work when hiring millennials and Gen Z?

The following is based on my conversation with my daughter, a Gen Z and a bunch of her friends, Gen Z / Millennials. They were architects, graphic designers, software engineers, copy writers, freelancers et al.

How they approach getting a job?

A. Research deeply to understand the kind of organizations that they would like to work for, the names of such organizations, culture, work environments, who are their alumni working there or previously worked there, what was their experience and so on and so forth.

B. What skills and portfolios are required to make themselves attractive for these organizations – Additionally, more than half of the group that I was talking to, had shifted their career preference half way through their graduation

C. How they can equip themselves with such skills – mostly through online certificate courses, summer programs, freelance projects done for friends etc.

D. Network with friends, friends of friends, alumni and so on and use social media to craft the desired outcome.

E. Create a profile / portfolio and place it in strategically selected niche portals that specialize in hiring Millennials and Gen Z.

Once they have a job

1. Pay check is not of primary importance

2. They are not focussed on 9 to 5. If the work is challenging and absorbing, they work as required to finish it.

3. They place a lot of importance on socialising outside of work

4. They look for inclusive environments – that is, they seek environments that includes them in the process of designing, planning, decision making. They believe that their ideas are important

5. It is important for them to understand how they are contributing to the value chain. Just the assigned task alone will not do. They insist on knowing how it is helping the team, unit, and the organization.

6. They need constant challenges – a simple, mundane, repeated work will cause boredom and they will start looking for more challenging opportunities and environments

7. They are not afraid to walk away from things that they don’t feel is right or don’t enjoy doing

8. They are ready to jump into the deep end of the pool, without any safety net

The questions then are:

How are organizations changing their approach to the process of attracting, hiring, onboarding, and engaging Millennials and Gen Z?

How long before the current Placement model of Campus hiring becomes defunct?

PS: The sample size for the above was small, though relevant

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